Hi. I'm Debra.

Welcome to my website.
My name is Debra Birdwell Winkler, and I am a writer and author, passionate to share my stories.

My Inheritance

Becky’s grandfather had promised her an inheritance which would give her anything she desired, even the love of her life. Magic doesn’t happen in real life, does it? 


A Villa on Lake Como

A Villa on Lake Como” is a lovely romance story about how a villa on Lake Como in Italy connects two people.



Rose-Colored Memory

Melody is going to find out how true her version of the past really is.

The piece of music that inspired this story is Edith Piaf’s “La Vie En Rose.” For some, this song speaks of how lovely the world is with love in your heart. For others, viewing the world through a rosy glow may be hiding the truth.

“Great effort. Keep up the good work!”
– Howard Seeley

When I Was Ten

A story about two young girls having to begin a new life without their parents.

The haunting melody of “Five Hundred Miles” (written by Hedy West and originally sung by Peter, Paul, & Mary) speaks about being far away from home and not being able to get back. This is how the two girls feel in the story.

“The story moved me deeply…”
– Jana Begovic,
Ariel Chart International Literary Journal,
Senior Editor

Nominated for 2022 Best of the Net Short Nonfiction by Ariel Chart International Literary Journal.

A Murder of Crows

Can Ziara and Vlad save the world
on Halloween?


“Bad Moon Rising” by Credence Clearwater Revival (CCR) was connected to this story because it describes what bad things are coming.


“That was an interesting story. I enjoyed your world building.”

– Annalisa D.

Homer's Prank

Homer has been planning this prank for an entire year and now he’s ready to pull it off.

If Homer had listened to the words of the Otis Redding song, “(Sittin’ on) the Dock of the Bay,” he might have mellowed out and not been so angry.